How Fed policy ran amok by focusing
on ‘the wrong stuff’
(AKA our ever-changing job market)
The Fed has been making policy with a strong
reference to the job market. While we have heard all sorts of criticism about
the flaws in GDP, some have acted as though job market data are equivalent to
the Holy Grail. Several Fed officials recently have even said quite explicitly
that jobs data trump GDP. In what way is that?
All data are subject to revisions of various sorts.
And jobs data can be revised and can surprise as they did last month. Apart
from that, job data can look friendly and familiar and yet be distant and
misleading. With the labor force participation rate so low and the
not-in-the-labor-force cohort so large plus myriad demographic changes who can
say that we know what these current labor force metrics mean? Can you? The Fed
though it could. But it couldn’t.
I am quite serious. Consider the table below:
This table presents labor market data for the labor
force and unemployment rate for those age 25 and up. It provides four
exhaustive categories for labor: (1) Less than a high school diploma, (2) high
school diploma no college (3) college but less than a BA (4) BA and higher
degrees. Roughly we have unskilled, low-skilled,
semi-skilled and highly-skilled categories.
The table shows how the composition of the labor market
by those four categories has shifted. When data on these metrics began in 1992,
13% of the labor force was in the lowest skill group. In May of 2016 that
proportion is down to 7.6%. The
top-skill, BA-plus category used to comprise 26% of the labor force, now it
comprises 38.9% of it. The proportion that is low-skilled is now slightly lower
and the semi-skilled group is proportionately higher.
Despite all the job openings that cannot be filled
in the JOLTS report, the labor market is much more educated or skilled than it
used to be. Still that is not working –apparently there is a skills mismatch.
It’s like having enough silverware to set the dinner table for eight but with
too many spoons and not enough knives. It doesn’t work. Even if they are the
highest quality silver, a spoon is not a knife.
But, what is still working is that higher education
levels are correlated with lower rates of unemployment. If our labor market
were of the composition it had been in 1992 the current unemployment rate for
all workers age 25 and over would be 4.4% instead of the current 3.9% - one
half of one percentage point higher. It appears that our labor market gauge is
no longer so easy to read. But it’s good news. It’s like having a gas gauge that
is shifted so that the tank is not nearly as empty as the gauge is near ‘E’.
You are not as at risk as you think you are to having to walk for more gas...
The education composition of the labor force has
lowered the unemployment rate by one half of one percentage point. And this is
only one demographic feature I have isolated. There are other features that are
correlated with the rate of unemployment that can be analyzed in this way,
among them age, sex, race and more. As we get compositional shifts in these
areas either the structural unemployment rates among these various attributes
will shift or the impact on the overall unemployment rate will shift or both
will shift.
This is why the Fed has seemed so out of step. It has
focused on and has been fearful about the rate of unemployment. Just because
the rate sort of seems like the same thing it has always been does not mean
that its attributes have not changed. The evidence for education is that the unemployment
rate is going to look a lot lower just because of who is in the labor force now
compared to who is no longer in it.
As arguments go this one sees the labor force as tilted
to more skill and more education. But what it also suggests is that the less
skilled and less educated have been squeezed out. We do not have the same data
on the attributes of those who are not-in-the-labor–force for example so we
can’t really tell.
And, as the minimum wage rises, it is likely that
firms will find ways to hire more skilled workers at higher wages possibly
using technology solutions to eliminate jobs and become more streamlined and
that could result in an even higher skilled labor force.
Try to understand the labor force development as a
dynamic process, where supply and demand combine to determine who is in it and
who is out. Always bear in mind that compositional characteristics of those NOT
in the labor force may be quite different from those who are in the labor force
and that might keep those who are on the sidelines on the sidelines.
The table also gives us some notion of how much slack
we might have left in this labor market.
For example since January 1992 the overall unemployment
rate has been lower than its May 2016 level 23% of the time and it has fallen
an additional 19% from its current level (minimum rate =3.8%) to its low.
For each of our age cohorts the unemployment rate has
been lower: over 20.1% of the time for the lowest skills group, 48.5% of the
time for the second lowest skill group, 37.5% of the time for the semi-skilled
and 41.0% of the time for the high skill group. Interestingly despite the focus
on skills shortages the highly educated group does not have a really low rate
of unemployment relative to its own historic standards-especially relative to
the other categories- it is in fact the least tight on this metric.
The percentages of time that each cohort’s rate has
been lower also echoes the next set of statistics which concern how much
farther these cohorts’ unemployment rates can fall to get back to their
respective lows (since 1992). The answer is that unskilled unemployment can
fall the least, by only 18.3%, and all the other categories can fall in a relatively
tight range of from 37.3% to 38.5% further-all about the same order of
magnitude. Oddly it is the unemployment rate among the unskilled that is the
relative lowest (has the least far to fall to hit its all-time low).
This prompts us to ask why? Are these ‘unskilled’
workers truly scare? Or are they so low-paid that they more easily leave the
labor force and become no longer counted as unemployed because government
support programs may look more attractive than the low paid wage?
Apply 1992 weights to all the historic data and we
find that the lowest age 25 and up unemployment rate allows for a 30.4% fall
while the lowest 2016 weigh pattern would foresee a further drop of 32.1%. The
1992 reweighed unemployment rates are lower than their actual May 2016 level
25.2% of the time while the 2016-weighted data have been lower 26.9% of the
time. Under the up-to-date weights the unemployment rate can fall by more.
Any way you slice it the new-view of the labor
market does not seem quite so tight. There is still some further 30% or more
that unemployment rates can fall in order to get back to previous cycle lows
looking at a fixed compositional weight for the labor market.
Moreover, we can look at a decomposed Phillips curve
over the last three cycles to gain some further insight on what risks we may
face in terms of wage repercussions.
In the chart above we show wage changes (one year %
change in Average Hourly Earnings) Vs the unemployment rate for this cycle and
for the average of the last two cycles. We present these data by arraying them by
lining them up starting with when the unemployment rate first reached 6% in
each cycle, possibly creating some wage tension. We color code the two cycles with unemployment
dark blue and wages light blue in the two previous ‘averaged’ cycles and with
unemployment dark green and wage light green in the current cycle. What we see
is that the unemployment rate has been falling MUCH FASTER in this cycle after
it reached 6% compared to the last two cycles. But that at this lower
unemployment rate the wage gains in the last cycle would have been much higher
at 4% instead of around 2.5%, currently.
Of course there is still evidence here that the
Phillips Curve is ‘working.’ The unemployment rate is falling and wages are rising,
but the relationship is much diminished. Since the Fed was basing its policy
decisions on this relationship the fact that it has been muted had caused Fed
policy plans to become overly aggressive.
In short the Fed was simply too worried too soon
about the level of the unemployment rate. And we have given several reasons above
why this is might be so.
The macroeconomics of the situation has been just
too unstable to work. That is an admission that there are too many compositional
shifts in the labor force for us to treat all changes in the unemployment rate
as equivalent in nature to WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN IN THE PAST.
But there are macroeconomic diagnostics to reveal
this too. It’s just that the Fed has scrupulously (unscrupulously?) avoided
presenting them.
Beveridge Curve
What: The Beveridge
curve shows a SHIFTED relationship between job openings and the unemployment
Meaning: it now
takes MORE job openings to reduce the rate of unemployment
Missed analysis: While
everyone has been ‘oohing and aahing’ over the high count of job openings,
economists have missed the fact that it
takes more job openings to reduce the rate of unemployment than it used to (and
to create a hire). In other words ‘openings’ are worth less than they used to
This macroeconomic diagnostic, The
Beveridge Curve, has been ignored
Economics usually does not dirty its hands with such
things. But because there are so many changes in the economy it is no longer
wise to deal in such aggregated data. Yet that is exactly what macroeconomic
models do. It is much wiser to decompose the data to see what the macro data
really mean in times such as these and not to simply swallow the model forecast
hook line and sinker. When we take the time to do that we find that the job market
data are really not as reliable as many assumed.
We can make the same points about nonfarm payroll
data as we have about the unemployment rate. And those criticisms may be more
familiar. Economists (some) have been long complaining of the quantity of low
skill jobs being created. We have a service sector economy and it churns out
more low low-skill low-paid jobs. Indeed, this is one of the reasons that productivity
growth is so poor. Low productivity growth is not an exogenous development.
Productivity is low also because investment is low. Investment is low because the
US skill pool seems to be lacking some of the more specific skills needed
despite the proliferation of highly educated workers. Moreover, the strong
dollar makes the US uncompetitive (makes US wages higher in foreign currency
terms) and this scares off investment. We have many interrelated problems here.
But it comes down to trying to understand the micro-economic foundations of the
macro-economic failures. Not all failures will simply reverse themselves.
Economies do not necessarily grow out of them into success stories.
The Fed simply does not seem to have spent enough time
or effort trying to understand why its pet macroeconomic statistically sophisticated
metrics had stopped working. The answer is always that the devil is in the
details. It was the same answer this time around.
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